Performance Management Coaching

Performance Management Coaching

TEST (Auto-Evaluation) : Qu'est ce qui fait de vous un bon Networker?


Self-Assessment – Abilities for networking, strengths and areas for development
Rate : 5= Always, 4= Quite Often, 3= Off and on, 2= Occasionally, 1= Never
(d'après Brilliant networker, Steven D Souza)



  1. I an very confident in approaching strangers and people I do not know
  2. I find it easy to make « small talks » to keep conversation going
  3. I am assertive and confident in asking for what I want from others
  4. I have an organised system that allows me to search and reach my contacts easily
  5. I have a wide circle of friends which diverse backgrounds (age, interests)
  6. I always try to speak as many people as possible during an event and not just the same person I came with or someone I know well
  7. I enjoy having new experiences (e.g. going to new places, trying different cuisine)
  8. I feel that I connect deeply and authentically with others and share appropriately about myself
  9. I remember names and faces, including the same details of the people that I meet
  10. I find it easy to ask for help when I need it
  11. I share my contacts freely with others and do all I can to assist when I can
  12. I am an active member of organisations, clubs and societies that contain thought leaders in my field of interest.
  13. I take the time to connect regularly with each person in my network, especially when I don’t need something. I aim to send useful information or contacts that I think could assist people I know.
  14. I use technology as a tool to help me connect with wider networks.



Score means

47-70 : strong if not yet a brilliant networker

23-46 : average good

14-22 ;: probaly new to networking


Even more important, identify your strengths and areas for development



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